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Position:Home>History> History exam yesterday, are these right? (topics are before WW2, suffrage and ci

Question: History exam yesterday, are these right!? (topics are before WW2, suffrage and civil rights in America)!?
i had an 8 mark essay question which was:
Explain why Britain allowed Germany to ignore the Treaty of Versailles during the 1930's!. My answer was
- "Versailles Guilt"
- World War One Memories
- Public opinion was against acting on Germany
- Lack of money
- Lack of support- British empire wouldnt help, France was unstable, the USA was neutral
- They followed the policy of appeasement

And a 5 mark for the methods used by women to campaign for the vote 1900-1914:
petitions, setting fire to postboxes and buildings, heckling politicians, hunger strikes in prison, breaking windows and not paying taxes

The effects of Jim Crow laws on Black Americans-
poor housing, worst jobs, couldn't vote or had barriers to voting eg the literacy tests, segregation at lunch counters/restaurants, segregation on transport, seperate education for black and white children, all this was made legal by Supreme Court "seperate but equal" ruling

Are these right!? Would i get the full marks for them!?
Thanks xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They sound pretty good to me!. I'm not how in depth your answers were supposed to be, but overall everything sounded correctWww@QuestionHome@Com

While I'm not sure you hit absolutely every point you could have, your answers do appear correct and should get you a good grade!. It will be up to your teacher to decide if you receive full marks or not!.

But, good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com