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Position:Home>History> Question regarding U.S. laws (coinage) applying to U.S. Territories in 19th cent

Question: Question regarding U!.S!. laws (coinage) applying to U!.S!. Territories in 19th century !?
I know in 1857 the legal tender status was removed from Spanish and Mexican coins, as well as all other foreign coins!. Would this have applied to Territories that had not become states yet, such as Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, etc!. Would foreign coins still have circulated in those areas before statehood!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, because those were territories not directly controlled by the Federal Government!. Often territories were a mish-mash of several nations - France, Mexico, Britain immediately come to mind!. Of course gold works everywhere, which is why a lot of the gold coinage was accepted based on the gold prices of the day, and regardless of nationality!. Gold dust was accepted as well, the unit of measure being the "pinch"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com