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Position:Home>History> Hist. question- Who are progressive politicians?

Question: Hist!. question- Who are progressive politicians!?
A Those who want to return to slavery!.
B Those who do not want to change policies in government!.
C Those who want continued reform socially and politically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The logic is that no matter what the government is today, it is "bad" and needs to be "improved" with more laws!. These new laws will help us on our "progression" toward utopia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer is C!. A quick and simple political terminology primer!. From left to right!. [I am making no distinctions between social and economic change]

Radical - desires quick and drastic change
Progressive - desires change
Conservative - desires slow gradual change
Reactionary - desires to reverse changes and go backWww@QuestionHome@Com