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Position:Home>History> Survey:Do you think the treatment of slaves would be different if he married Sal

Question: Survey:Do you think the treatment of slaves would be different if he married Sally Hemmings overseas !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think it would have changed the treatment of any slaves, particularly in the later years, when cotton became practical!.

Sally was a mulatto, the daughter of Mrs!. Martha Jefferson's father and one of his slaves, there may even have been a resemblance, something not likely to have gone un-noticed, and some mulattoes were treated better than the remainder of the slaves, depending on if their white fathers were still alive!. I believe the wives of their white fathers might have a less charitable view of such reminders of their husband's infidelity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL!. Stupid Question posed stupidly!.

No!. And you should probably phrase that so people know what you are talking about!.

And no slaves would never be treated different no matter what statesmen did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com