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Position:Home>History> Serious answers about the usa?

Question: Serious answers about the usa!?
Ok don’t report this doesn’t get all mad and call me a terrorist!. Ok here it goes!. say a rebellion broke out!. Use your imagination (inflation, another Katrina, bush refuses to leave, end of democracy, etc) what in your opinion would happen!. Do you think that states would become divided on the issue at hand or do you think we would fall into martial law!? Or do you think without question the military would be called in and told to eliminate whoever was the problem!. I’m not saying I’m rebellious or to rebel I’m just wanting to know peoples opinion on things!. Look at the county Lebanon and the fact that they just had a rebellion!. We have had a civil war before and they say history repeats itself so do you think that’s true and what would happen if it did!? Thanks to all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all - history does not repeat itself!. At least not in the way you're implying!. While one can draw parallels between certain events in history, nothing is exactly the same!. When Vico put forth the idea of cyclical thinking he was talking about grand themes of history, not isolated incidents!. To say that since the US (or any other nation for that matter) had a civil war once there would necessarily be another is taking things to far!. One can go back to history to help explain the motivations of the present, but it is a very slippery slope!. That being said, on to your question, which I sum up to be:

"What would happen if the population of the United States rebelled against the political powers (either State or Federal) and/or the ruling class!?"

To answer it is first necessary to look at how the US ruling class (those with money, influence, and/or political power) established and maintained control over the last 250 years!.

In the pre-Revolutionary and immediate post Revolution eras stopped mass revolt using a combination of two tactics!. The first was brute force!. The State Militias were called out on numerous occasions to put down serious revolts and threats to the power base (Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, and a host of smaller revolts about land distribution, taxation, and voting rights) which stemmed mostly from the poor and lower classes!. However the militia's weren't always reliable!. It is hard to ask a man to fire into a crowd that contains his neighbors!. It was therefore necessary to use the second tactic - co-option!. Small concessions would be made - usually a change in the voting laws that made it appear to give the poor a greater say and/or some form of economic aid - tax holiday, laws protecting renters/abolishing the feudal rent structure, etc!. This had the effect of creating a larger middle class which helped keep uprisings to a minimum!.

As the nation grew, the powers that be continued using force and co-option to maintain the power balance!. However with he growing number of immigrants came a new tool to prevent mass dissent with the living conditions in the tenements, low wages, etc!. Violence between immigrant groups and 'natives' and within the immigrant community itself helped release pressure and avoid major revolts!. New York City averaged 2-3 major riots and 10-12 minor riots a year from 1830-1860!. Most of these riots were between immigrant groups over petty issues!. They centered around holidays and festivals and ended without much damage to the major infrastructure of the power systems!. However every few years an issue would band together the poor and lower classes to resist abuses by the upper classes!. The Astor Bread Riot and The Pennsylvania Railroad Crisis are examples where the people rose up to protest the conditions in which they were being forced to live!. The government responded as it always had - brought in the militias (and occasionally Federal Troops) to bring the immediate situation under control and then encouraged 'civic particpation' and directed the dissent to the ballot box, giving token concessions that would mollify the populace!.

This same pattern continued through the Second World War (the Chicago Red Scare Riots, the Bonus Marchers, Haymarket, etc)!. After WWII the government has relied less on troops and more on police, trying to preempt conflict by addressing issues before they become focal points for mass revolt!.

The Civil War is a completely different issue!. Instead of the lower classes rebelling against the wealthy you have the State governments rebelling against each other!. The Civil War occurred because the US was at a paradigm shift - decisions needed to be made on what sort of a country the US would become!. Slavery was just one issue that was able to encapsulate all the other issues!. The upper classes (both North and South) had issues in raising the money and troops necessary to wage the protracted war!. In the end the North wins - and then extends the 'olive branch' of peace and brings the Southern States in with only minor concessions, leaving Blacks to fend for themselves and live in economic bondage for another 100 years!.

The US is a unique nation!. The way our political and class systems are set up discourages major revolt!. It is always possible for a man to rise up from the gutter and become rich and powerful!. also, in theory, power is not hereditary - a son of a Senator is not guaranteed to be a Senator in his own right!. This belief in the 'American Dream' prevents the mass unrest that leads to revolution!. The fact that change can be made through the ballot box redirects destructive energies most of the time!. In those cases like the Astor Bread Riots where the populace demands redress - the government will give it!. Small, highly visible token concessions will be made to calm the less radical of the rebels while police forces will inter ringleaders!. I don't think major rebellion by 'the people' will occur in the near future in the US!. There are too many ways to divert revolutionary fervor into productive outlets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there were camps built in the cold war in case of rebellion or invasion and in total they could hold up to 15 million people - so the united states takes rebellion or invasion very seriously - the egyptian who led the attack on 911 slipped through but we know that will never ever happen again - the united states has the technology to wipe out a civil war or rebellion - of course there would be martial law until order was restoredWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can see the American government enforcing martial law (as would most so called democracy run countries), while some or most civilians would be looting and kill one another!.

Like you said History repeats it's selfWww@QuestionHome@Com

It would have to be an internal military coupWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that rebellion today would be very swiftly repressed, unless it was really widespread really early!. Anything that was regional in nature would be easily broken!. The problem is that instant communications and instant overhead imagry would allow a far swifter and more effective response to such a situation by the government!. However, if, for example, Bush were to declare martial law and refuse to honor the elections, then the revolt might be very widespread very early on, and that might present a whole different set of problems!. Ultimately, however, the success of any revolt would come down to whether the military sent to put it down would follow its orders when it came to opening fire on civilians!. I sincerely have my doubts as to how well the US military would respond to such orders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's how it would go:

Obama is president!.

He declares a federal arms ban!. NRA members get late-night visits by NSA!. Charlton Heston wears this year's fashion, Guantanamo orange!.

Meanwhile, Kentucky militia take to the hills!. National Guard pursues but is pushed back by showers of Jack Daniels Molotov cocktails!. Rebels are desperately low moonshine!. In protest, KFC closes down nationwide!. Civil unrest caused by disturbed consumers!.

In Cali, Arnold opposes federal arms ban and attempts to throw a statewide mutiny on Obama's face!. Barbara Staisand, however, musters anti-governor mob in Napa!. Federalists corner Arnie in city hall!. He runs to the roof and is evacuated by a helicopter piloted by Bruce Willis!. Staring down at the angry mob the governor grins: I'll be back!

After unanimous vote, Texas declares its autonomy!. First legislative action of the New Democracy of Texas is to ban Chuck Norris from entering the country (will be shot on sight)!. Ofcourse, broadcasting of The Texas Ranger is prohibited!.

In Florida law abiding citizens give up their arms!. Soon they are all eaten by gators!. Cubans land and claim barren land and use gators as (non)human shield!. Animal Rights Organizations prevent Obama from bombing Cuban marines out of FL!.

After much deliberation, Tennessee and Misissipi decide current turmoil must be a Dixie Chicks conspiracy "of some sort"!. State wide searches by tar & feather possies go fruitless however!.

From DC, Obama is trying to reach Alaska but they won't answer, bad weather or polar bears gottem!. Iowa is on hold and AZ is calling on line 2, both worried about food prices going berzerk at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange!. Obama has been trying to contact IL all morning about this but the Blues Brothers picked up and said everyone were going to a gig!. The line's been busy since!.

Hillary charges the White House followed by USArmy Chiefs of Staff, Mounted Police officers, NYC Firemen, Arkansas State cheerleading contest winners, GI Jane and Sly Stallone, with intent to relieve Obama on grounds of national security and poor sense of style!.

Obama barricades the Oval Office!. Hillary's trusted friends propose action: "Gas the SOB" says Dalai Lama!.

Hillary and mob barge in the oval office and are about to lynch Obama when suddenly!.!.!.

"STOP!" a loud voice is heard from the back!. "PUT HIM DOWN!"

Everyone turn and see Keanu Reeves!.!. OMG, it's not bad acting, he actually talks like that in real life!.

Keanu reaches out to Hillary and touches her forehead!. She starts to shake and quiver!. Then her head spins round and round!. "The spirit of Christ compells you! The spirit of Christ compells you!"

She burps and sprays green blob at everyone!. WTF!?

"YES, SHE IS NOT WHO SHE SEEMS TO BE" - Keanu still sounds like he's reading the script!.

Everyone, including Obama, watch with awe and amazement as the demon is cast out of Hillary!.

"THE SPIRIT OF ELVIS HAD BETAKEN HER SO AS TO BE KING ONCE MORE!.!.!." Somebody dub Keanu please!.!.!.

Bill Clinton hugs dazed and confused Hillary: "I told you there was something wrong with your head honey! I never had any sexual relationship !.!.!. yada yada"

Depressed Elvis fans mourn Elvis spirit departure in Las Vegas!. Flying Elvises land in the Belaggio lake!.

Obama resigns to write a book titled: "The Exorcist IV"!.

The country recovers from lawlessness!. National elections comming up!. Among others, Chuck Norris runs for president, vowing to get TX back under the star spangled banner!.

The endWww@QuestionHome@Com