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important wars in from 1600-1800 tat affected European countries!. !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thirty years was - 1618 to 1648 A huge war mostly about religion, half of Germany's population dies!.

The Dutch Independence - 1568 to 1648 The Netherlands wins independence from Spain!.

Ottoman-Hapsburg wars - 1500s to 1700s: Ottomans fought the Spanish and Austrians!.

Anglo- Dutch wars - 1652 to 1672: Britain and the Netherlands fought over territories, rights, and politics!.

War of the Spanish Succession - 1701 to 1714 France and Spain fought Europe for the right to unite their two nations under the same royal family!.

War of Polish Succession - 1733 to 1738 Hapsburgs were also involved in this one, it affected Austria!.

Seven years War - 1756 to 1763 France vs England, first global war!.

French Revolution - 1789 to 1799 France becomes a Republic!.

Napoleonic Wars - 1803 to 1815 Napoleon dominates Europe!.

Austrian - Prussian War - 1866 Prussia defeats Austria!.

Franco-Prussian War - 1870 to 1871 Prussia defeats France, united Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the 30 years War!. invoving the different kingdoms of Germany and Prussia, Sweden, Spain, France, Austria and Italy 1618-1648 ushered in the German Empire under Prussian Rule!.
the Seven Years War 1756–1763 (known in North America as The French and Indian War) Pitted the French and the English in a global war!.
American Revolution!.!.!.!. England lost rough a thrid of their land
Eighty Years War 1581-1648: Netherlands became indepedant from Spain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So, you need "important wars in from 1600-1800 tat affected European countries!." By asking a proper question, you will get a proper answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't say KKK!.!.!. it's offensive

The Spanish/American War influenced Spain (they had to give up a lot of land)Www@QuestionHome@Com