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Position:Home>History> War of 1812 thesis?

Question: War of 1812 thesis!?
What would be a good question/thesis for the War of 1812!? something a little more deep and profound than "explain the battles and effects they had" and simple stuff like that!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why do Americans recall the Battle of New Orleans yet ignore the Battle of Baltimore especially the heroic efforts of the cities free N^groes!?
Should James Madison's Presidency be deemed a failure due to his actions!?
When is Defeat a Victory (America clearly 'lost,' her National Capitol in Ruins, yet many Americans regard the War of 1812 as a Win)!?
Were there lessons learned during the War of 1812 that helped America achieve Victory in the Mexican-American War!?

Why was the War of 1812 a mistake for the United States!? How could this war lead to the end of the Republic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com