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Question: History Site needed! Really Quick!?
I have this project about the atomic bomb and need a cartoon from the time period referring or doing something about the bombing on Japan!. Does anyone have an online site they can post!? Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
or just type in on google "bombing in Japan" and what year it was!. they always come up with stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

I suspect that very few editorial cartoonists wanted to risk anything negative about the event!. We were so happy that the war had been won, that our troops would come home without having to invade the main islands of Japan, that no one thought too negatively about the use of A-bombs!.

Not many people had any understanding of how A-bombs differed from regular bombs!. It was just a big bad bomb to most people, one that showed the Emperor that it was futile to resist any further!.

It took a few years for the import of atomic weapons to sink in!. We were also told that atomic power would be so inexpensive that houses would only have to pay once to get hooked up to the grid, and after that, power would be free!.

Too bad that Stalin and Truman (or Ike) couldn't have tried to get a no-nukes treaty going before it got to be too late!. And, by the way, if you think we are no longer in danger of atomic war, think again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


also search for cartoon of Oppenheimer with caption something like "Here baby play with the nice toy"Www@QuestionHome@Com

google history! quick!Www@QuestionHome@Com