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Position:Home>History> An important event in the new york colony?

Question: An important event in the new york colony!?
what is an important event, such as a war or something, that happened in the new york colony!? example, meetings, battles!. and, who was involved in this event, why this event is important in american history, list 5 important facts about this event!.
and, this event should be anywhere in between the time the new york colony was settled to the end of the revolutionary war!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't you just love it when people scream at you to do your own homework!
Anyhow - - - what most teachers expect is a referal to the Peter Zenger trial, the other biggie was the Battle for Manhattan followed by the British Occupation of New York during the American Revolutionary War!. Before I throw links at you I have to recomend an extremely detailed book called;
'Gotham; a history of New York to 1898!.' http://www!.amazon!.com/Gotham-History-Yor!.!.!.
Truly Awesome!.!.
""On July 3, 1776, British troops landed on Staten Island!. Over a period of six weeks, British troop strength was increased so that it number over 32,000 by the end of August!. Meanwhile, General Washington was preparing his men as well as he could under the circumstances!. Washington was hampered by the British control of the sea, which allowed them to conceivably attack either Long Island or Manhattan!. Washington decided to defend both vulnerable areas!. On August 22, General Howe, the British commander, began transporting troops across the bay from Staten Island to Long Island!. Washington decided to defend Brooklyn Heights by digging in around Brooklyn Village!. Washington fortified the Heights of Guan, a range of hills 100 to 150 feet in height and covered by heavy brush and woods!. The heights were broken by four passes!. The furthest away was the Jamaica pass!. Only five soldiers were detailed to defend the pass!. On August 26th, Howe's troops quietly made their way to the Jamaica pass and seized the five American guards there!. The British advanced behind American lines undetected until they reached the settlement of Bedford, where they opened fire!. At that point, British troops rushed through the Bedford pass!. Two hundred fifty American troops, under General Stirling, were surrounded on three sides!. They fought bravely, but were soon overwhelmed!. American troops were forced back into Brooklyn Heights!. Cornwallis did not follow-up with an immediate attack on Brooklyn Heights!. Washington's advisors recommended a withdrawal before British frigates could block the East River and any available means of escape!. On the night of August 30th, Washington successfully withdrew his troops across the East River to Manhattan!. Washington turned his attention to rebuilding his army!. He was given instruction by the Continental Congress that allowed him to withdraw from New York!. Washington began moving his supplies and wounded soldiers north from Manhattan!. Meanwhile, Howe had decided not attack the heavily fortified Manhattan, but instead to outflank Washington and trap him!. On September 13, Howe began to move his army across the East River to Kips Bay, there he hoped to cut Washington off!. The landing was successful, and met only limited opposition!. Washington's army, however, was able to successfully move North to Harlem Heights!. The next day, a brief skirmish took place at Harlem Heights that became known as the Battle of Harlem!. In this brief battle, several hundred British light infantry were badly mauled by Colonel Thomas Knowlton's Connecticut regiment!. The Americans and the British began digging in!. On October 12, Howe once again moved his army to the north to outflank Washington, this time at Throgs Neck!. He landed there successfully, but his forces were bottled up on the Neck, which, depending on the tides, was sometimes an island!. Washington decided to withdraw north to White Plains!. The British slowly followed!. It took Howe ten days to arrive in White Plains!. There, on October 28th, the British troops captured Chattertons Hill, to the right of American lines!. Washington soon withdrew to New Castle, and Howe did not follow!.""
""August, 1776: British land on Long Island
September 15, 1776: British occupy New York City

Even before the Battle of Bunker Hill Lt!. General Thomas Gage had considered and begun preparations for occupying New York City!. When Maj!. General William Howe replaced Gage in October 1775, he continued to make preparations for such an occupation!.However, when General George Washington occupied Dorchester Heights in March 1776, Howe was forced to evacuate Boston and relocate to Halifax, Nova Scotia!.

By June 25, 1776, when General Howe arrived off Sandy Hook, General Washington had 19,000 troops in New York, but many were inexperienced and ill-equipped!. Admiral Richard Howe arrived on July 12 with 150 more ships and reinforcements!. On August 12, Maj!. General Henry Clinton returned from the failed Charleston Expedition!. Howe began operations on August 22, 1776!. On September 15, 1776, General Howe landed at Kip's Bay and entered the city of New York virtually unopposed and paused his campaign!. In November, he would pursue Washington out of New York and across New Jersey!.""
"""British Occupation Begins
Maj!. General William Howe made his first step toward taking control of New York City when he began to move from Staten Island to Long Island on August 22, 1776!. On August 27, Howe defeated some of General George Washington's forces with his victory at the Battle of Long Island!. However, Washington was able to evacuate many of his forces!. Howe then paused in his campaign for more than two weeks while Washington attempted to shore up defenses!.

On September 15, 1776, General Howe landed at Kip's Bay!. General Washington's troops were spread so thinly here that he had to retreat and again saved many troops from being captured!. Meanwhile, Howe entered the city of New York virtually unopposed!. On September 16, he failed to drive Washington from Harlem Heights just north of the city!. Howe again paused his campaign, this time for a month!. During Howe's first week in possession of New York, much of it burned on the evening of September 20 and Nathan Hale was captured on September 21 and later hanged as a spy!.

On October 12, General Howe resumed his campaign and by October 18, had outmaneuvered General Washington!. Washington was forced to abandon Harlem Heights, which left Fort Washington isolated!. Brig!. General Nathanael Greene convinced Washington that the fort could be held!. After a British assault failed on October 27, Howe moved against Washington at the Battle of White Plains on October 28!. Washington was again forced to withdraw!. Washington left some forces at Forts Washington and Lee, which overlooked opposite sides of the Hudson River!.

General Greene had convinced General Washington that Fort Washington could be held, but Hessians easily overran it on November 16 resulting in the lost of important provisions and munitions including cannon!. Maj!. General Charles Lee had to hastily abandon Fort Lee only days later on November 18!. He had already removed supplies and equipment, so the Continentals did not suffer another critical loss of equipments and supplies!. After a brief respite, Howe then pursued General Washington across New Jersey in the closing month of 1776 before Washington secured a surprise victory at Trenton, New Jersey on December 26, 1776!.""


King Charles II gave the conquered territory to his brother James, the Duke of York!.

James divided the former Dutch colony into two proprietary provinces: New York, which he ruled himself, and New Jersey, which he gave to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley for their loyal support of the monarchy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The battle of New York
the British drove George Washington's forces off Long Island
and eventually all the way into New Jerseys

i usually get paid to do other people's homework!
Doesn't your histroy class come with a bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Occupation of New York by the BritishWww@QuestionHome@Com

DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!Www@QuestionHome@Com