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Position:Home>History> Peter minuit's birth and death?

Question: Peter minuit's birth and death!?
on what date did Peter Minuit die, and on what date was he born!. if you have any other quick facts i could use, but nothing too long, that would be great, i'm doing a power point!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dutch colonial governor in America was born in 1580 and died in 1638!.

helped establish New Amsterdam, the settlement that became New York City!. Minuit was born in Wesel, Germany, and moved to the Netherlands sometime in the early 1620s!. He joined the Dutch West India Company and set out for the company's settlement in America!. He reached Manhattan Island in 1626 and became the first director general of the colony!. Minuit purchased the island from one of the Algonquian-speaking tribes with trinkets valued at the amount of 60 Dutch guilders, a sum later calculated as $24!.Www@QuestionHome@Com