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Position:Home>History> In the decade following the Civil War:?

Question: In the decade following the Civil War:!?
Help Please!!! I am lost I can not find a answer!.!.!.!. Please help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
U!.S!.of A!. - freed slaves began gaining power due to populace vote!. Terrorists groups began springing up such as Nathan Bedford Forrest's,(a former confederate general) KKK!. "Militia" groups all over the south formed in an attempt to resist "Yankee control"!. After several decades of turmoil and what was essentially an occupation by the north, the south was allowed to deal with the freed slaves as they willed and segregation became standard!. Voting districts were redefined to keep African-American votes from having major effect!. This continued for nearly 100 yrs!., (1960's)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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