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Position:Home>History> What Royals 1900 to 2000 Were Suspect In Serious Impropriety?

Question: What Royals 1900 to 2000 Were Suspect In Serious Impropriety!?
Example: Wasn't someone in the Bahama's thought to have
improper contact with agent of foreign power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You must be thinking of the former King Edward VIII, who abdicated (in 1936, shortly after assuming the throne and before his coronation) to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson!. After his abdication, he was known as Prince Edward and was created Duke of Windsor!. During World War II he was stationed in France with the British Military Mission, but after being seen to be too cozy with Hitler (it was rumored that Hitler, once he conquered Europe and Britain, intended to put Edward back on the throne), he was moved to the Bahamas as Governor and Commander-in-Chief!. After the war he was never given another official appointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The person in the Bahamas was the Duke of Windsor who had abdicated in favour of his brother!.
He was sent to be Governor of the Bahamas to keep him away from Europe during WW2 because he was too friendly with the Nazis!.
But there is a long list of other morally suspect people including Edward VII, Duke of Kent and Prince Charles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Royals have always been involved in some impropriety or other since they first stepped onto the throne, though most latter day royals have the stories covered up, because it could damage a fairly shaky set up!. I am not anti royalist but not sure which one you are referring to, or when!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward VIII
