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Position:Home>History> Tell me about Galileo galile's death?

Question: Tell me about Galileo galile's death!?
When and where did galileo Galilei's deathWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He died on January 8th, 1642 in Arcetri, Italy!. He was buried in Santa Croce Church, Florence, Italy!.

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Galileo was killed by the church for saying we moved around the sun not the sun around us,the pope at the time was willing to accept the changes he stated although con traversal and he was a close friend of Galileo, but when Galileo published his piece he made a fatal mistake, his book was based on a conversation of 3 people about the world and Galileo had put the words of the pope in the fools mouth, this insulted the church he was taken and he died of a cold or something in captivity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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