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Question: Help with AP euro french revolution!?
1!. what were the four general principles of the revolution found in the major events occurring in the revolution!?
2!. what steps did the French revolutionaries take to ensure that the Old Regime would not return!?
3!. what forms did the radical phase take and what were the results!?

if you can answer ANY of those, that'd be great!
i just need some support for the answers i came up with since the textbook made it somewhat confusing!.!.!.!.thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) The four general principles of the French Revolution were democracy, nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights!. These were the goals of the Revolutionaries in their overthrow of the Acien Régime in France and the establishment of a secular democracy!. The old feudal priviledges of the aristocracy and clergy were abolished, and the equal, inalienable rights were granted to all French citizens!. A popular saying was, "Everyone is noble, and everyone's a peasant"!.

2) To ensure that France would never return to the Ancien Régime, the Revolutionaries made many radical changes to French society, and attempted to alter the French civilization and culture itself!. The monarch, who personified the old older, was beheaded by the radical Republican government!. Feudal aristocratic titles were abolished!. Even the King was referred to as, "Louis Capet" prior to his execution, as the monarchy had been abolished and he was referred to by his family's ancient surname!.

Under the Ancien Régime, the Catholic Church had been the largest landowner in France!. The Revolutionary government seized and nationalized all Church lands!. The Republican government also followed a policy of de-Christianization of France, proclaiming the nation a Secular Republic!.

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy turned the French clergy into employees of the State and required that they take an oath of loyalty to the constitution!. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy also made the Catholic church an arm of the secular state!.

3) The Radical Phase of the Revolution is more popularly known as the Reign of Terror!. The Terror lasted a little over a year from 1793 to 1794, and was marked by struggles between rival factions within the Republican government which led to mutual radicalization!. This led to violence and mass executions of enemies (both real and imagined) of the revolution!. This was the period which saw tens of thousands of executions by guillotine across the nation!.

In the months leading up the Terror, France was threatened on all sides by foreign and and internal enemies wishing to stop the Revolution!. European Monarchs wished to stop the spread of Republican ideas, and to preserve their own kingdoms and power!. The old French aristocracy and the clergy, who had lost their wealth and powers after the Revolution, also desired the Revolution to fail!.

These numerous enemies and conspiracies gave rise to mass hysteria in Paris, and ultimately led to the establishment of the radical Committe of Public Safety, which carried out the Reign of Terror!. Tens of thousands lost their lives either for real or false charges!.

Hope this helps,

Wikipedia should answer all of these quickly!. The third one's the easiest!. Look up the Reign of Terror!. The people in charge (jacobites I think, it's been too long since I've done this) began violently enforcing their will and eliminating many of the people they'd originally fought with to start the revolution!. That was 1792-1795 if I remember correctly, though I probably don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com