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Position:Home>History> Anne Boleyn :- Was she good, or bad?

Question: Anne Boleyn :- Was she good, or bad!?
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Although it really depends who you ask i'd say bad!.

She had too much ambition and all that got her was getting her head cut off!. (though it cannot be proven) it is believed that she and her brother had an affair just so she could produce a son for the king!. Though some say this is 'the logical choice' Anne was putting her, her brother, and Elizabeth's life on the line by doing so, and she did that without a care in the world!. also, she pretty much convinced the king to annul his marriage with Katherine of aragon single handed!. And the king truly did love katherine!. (there are letters to proove that)!.!.!. but every once in a while i do think she was good!. i mean, we don't know much about her!. but certainly i'd love to meet her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a bit of both, she was bad because she had a relationship with a marrried man, Henry VIII was still married to Catherine of Aragon when he married Anne Boleyn!.

but she was faithful to Henry even though she was accused of adultory, which as she was Queen at the time ammounted to Treason!. The only reason for the accusations was she hadn't produced a son for the King!. Henry needed to get rid of her in order to find another wife and try for a son with her poor Jane Seymore was the next sacrifical lamb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she was a little bad for cheating on Henry's 1st wife Catherine de Aragon and for disrupting the household!. I believe she was falsely accused of treason and adultery!. Henry just wanted to get on to his next wife and produce an heir!. Without her though, England would never have had Queen Elizabeth I!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bad in that she cheated with Henry VIII and caused a divorce with Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon !. She loved Henry VIII and was faithful but being found guilty of adultery which ironically was her so called crime before their message led unjustifiably to her destruction a few years later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com