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Position:Home>History> Global question.?

Question: Global question!.!?
so i have this 200-question review packet due tomorrow and im going through checking all my answers!.!.!.im finished except for one question that i cant figure out!.!.!.anyone know the answer!?

Constantinople's location on the Bosporus Strait was one reason that the Byzantine Empire was able to
(1) conquer the Russian city of Moscow
(2) spread Judaism throughout western Europe
(3) control key trade routes between Europe and Asia
(4) unite the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches

I think it's either 1 or 3 but global isn't my best subject so I could definitely be wrong!.!.Please answer if you can and explain since this is review for a final!.!.!.thanks (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's 3, they never conquered Moscow!. The bosphorus is considered the dividing line between Europe and Asia, Constantinople is right on the edge of the straights allowing them to control virtually all trade going through the region!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah its deff number 3Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would say the answer is number three!. next time do your own home work!.hahaha!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com