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Position:Home>History> Why was Germany blamed for World War I?

Question: Why was Germany blamed for World War I!?
In the Versailles Treaty, Germany was forced to take responsibility for all the damages done during WWI!. Why should they have been blamed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think germany was the scapegoat for the death and destruction that was caused from the world!.!.!. there wasn't a single cause or country to blame, but there many factors that made Europe a powdered keg that was set off by the assassination of Franz Ferninad!.!.!. Even though Germany entered the war through an alliance with Austria, they took most of the blame because they were the major power!.!.!.(It didnt help that France and Germany had poor relations in the past either)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Allied countries launched huge propaganda campaigns against the Germans to keep support for the war at home!. With these ideas of Germans being rapists and baby killers floating in everyone's mind, they had to follow through with the images they fabricated by blaming the "evil" Germans!.

But you're right, Germany didn't actually do anything wrong!.

Edit>>>There's also the financial aspect of it!.!.!.France was understandably pissed about having half their country leveled by artillery, and they didn't want to have to pay for it themselves!.

In response to Damian, below:
Yes, the Germans mobilized first, and were initially the aggressors!. But as he points out, it was about territory control, in other words imperialism!. Germany was a strong power, and understandably wanted it's own empire like Britain and France!. This doesn't make them "bad", because it's what every other country in the world also does!. It's no different than how the British acquired their empire, except that the people Britain conquered couldn't fight back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well they are the ones that actually started the war, think the Schlieffen plan!. There initial invasion of Belgium into France started the war, and they are nearly completely responsible for the death toll!.!.!. but i can understand as it wasnt a democracy that you could say the people were not responsible, but another aspect was that they were too strong, and there was too much nationalism!.

it has been proven with documentation from the meetings of the kaiser and his advisors that Germany was looking for a war, as they believed they deserved more land and power, as they were the strongest in europe!. and used the assasination of Franz Ferdinand as an excuse, so they have to take responsibility for the damages because they are the ones that created them, france was just defendding itself!.!.!.!.should they have to pay for there land to be rebuilt!.!.!.!. no your question shows ignorance!.
in my books they are completly to blame for WW1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Canadian bacon is right, the allies lost so much during the war that the treaty of Versailles took on a vengeful nature despite the complicated aspects of 'who' actually started the war, you could just as easily blame Austria, Serbia or Russia for mobilization orders and other nastiness!.

But if we look at what Germany did to Russia would they have done anything different to Brittain or France!? The treaty of Brest-Litovsk which ended hostilities between the central powers and the new soviet government ceded vast amounts of territory to the central powers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany was a huge part of both worl wars, but the main reason that Germany was blamed was becuase World War 1 started with the german invasion of Belgium!.

I still don't think they should have been blamed for the whole war though, but i think that is why most people blamed the germans!.

HOPE I HELPEDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps because they WERE in fact, responsible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com