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Question: The people who built stonehenge!?
What did the people who built stonehenge look like!? I'm working on a diorama!. I know what the stonehenge looks like but I need to create people to build it!. What did they wear, tools, anything would help!. (esp!. pictures or links)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stonehenge was built in several phases,but primarily the Neolithic and bronze age,so I'll describe roughly what the different builders might have looked like, based on what has been found in the burial mounds surrounding the monuments!.
The neolithic farmers,who built the 1st phase!. Slight people, averaging about 5ft6 for men, 5ft 3 for women, of a slender 'Mediterranean' type with high cheekbones and long heads!. They were probably dark-haired rather than fair!. They would have worn tanned hides for clothing (not shaggy skirts like you see in some cavemen type drawings!)!. They probably used this for some kind of foot wear too!. They may have worn bone pins in the hair!. Jewellery might be a shale pendant or a bead on a thong!. They used leaf shaped arrowheads and the had man-high longbows!. they also used scrapers and small knife-blades made from flint,and the leaders had polished stone axes!. They dug the ditches at Stonehenge with picks made of antler!.
In the early bronze age a group of people came to Britain called the 'beaker folk' It was not a huge invasion as once thought, but the 'beaker' lifestyle soon caught on and certainly we now have proof there were at least SOME foreign Beaker People around Stonehenge ie the Amesbury Archer whose origins were in the Alps!. Some believe they are responsible for the first stone phase!. They were a stocky people,in some cases quite tall (I know of several burials over 6ft) with round powerful skulls!. They were archers,but they had short bows with barbed,tanged arrowheads!. They also had copper daggers and wore golden hair ornaments--the first metalwork in Britain!.
During the height of the monument,later in the Bronze Age, the local culture developed into what we call the Wessex Culture, a prosperous time of chieftains & trade!. One man buried near the stones had 2 golden lozenges on his chest, a golden belt buckle, a dagger with golden pins in the hilt, a stone & bone mace and other gravegoods!. Other adornments/tools, found have been necklaces of amber,jet and faience,gold coated beads,v-shaped buttons of jet or amber,sometimes coated with gold, sun-symbol golden fasteners,amber dagger-pommels,imported daggers,stone,copper & bronze axes & awls!. They would have been weaving the clothes by this time, and there is some evidence women may have worn hair-nets!. Bones tweezers and bronze razors have been found so they obviously took care of their looks as best they could!. They had some form of music,as a perforated swan's legbones used as a flute was found in one grave!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to the library and look at this week's issue of 'National Geographic!.' It is all about Stonehenge!. Or, you could just buy a copy at a bookstore so that you could cut it up for your diorama!.

Since Stonehenge was built in stages, try looking up the age time lines of Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze!. You could find some images of what mankind might have looked like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com