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Position:Home>History> Does Democracy reduce or end war?

Question: Does Democracy reduce or end war!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, it does!. By democratic I mean recognizing that everyone is equal and everyone has the same rights as everybody else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If democracy is about equal rights and freedoms of people then it should in theory reduce war!. But when it comes down to my rights as against your rights, how are we going to resolve the dispute!? Border and territorial disputes are common enough to show that not all is well in the world!.
In England here we have had some ludicrous examples of one neighbour terrorising another over some imagined grievance!. And this in the land of tolerance and fair play!
The world in a microcosm!
Fortunately it seems that we have at last begun to resolve the problems in Northern Ireland by getting rid of the weapons and using the peaceful means of talking to each other and resolving disputes by democratic means!. Is this a triumph for democracy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we may assume that for the most part people see war as "bad" and that democracy represents the views of people then "in theory" democracy reduces war, as it will be a rare occasion that a majority of people view war a just!. However in the case of nations like the US and UK were a "democratic" government may be formed with less votes than their rival then the weight of my previous point is somewhat diminished!. So for this point we must conclude that it a democracy with proportional representation or an electoral hybrid war will be less common, though in the "elective dictatorships" which the Westminster model and First Past the post breeds the decision to go to war is at the hands of peoples possibly representing a minority!. (is this democracy!?)
A looked through history will reveal that democracy has in general not committed as many wars as its authoritarian counterparts!. Rome began mass expansion only after the fall of the Senates authority, the colonial powerhouse's of Spain, France and England (thought here was a parliament with limited power) were all monarchies!. In more modern times Hitler (though arguably democratically elected) and Stalin!. These compared with how many democracies!?
Though perhaps you could argue that the drive to force democracy on other countries has led to more conflict, and once more the arrogance of those with democracy to believe it is better for everyone else has led to more conflict in the latter part of the last and century and this one than anything else, and has culminated in a war of terror which is as much political as religious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I am no fan of Dictatorships, military or otherwise, but neither am I impressed with the USA's record of constant interference and blood-shed in world affairs!.

I used to live & work in the Sultanate of Oman, a wonderful place!.

The head of State, HM the Sultan owned the whole country, and what he said went!.

No elections and all the argy-bargy that goes with it, but a massive re-generation of the country occured, with hospitals, schools, roads, ports, etc etc for the vast benefit of Omanis, who simply gave him full support in his ideas, without question!.
And never any bother with other countries!.

I would say then, that a single ruler can work nicely, if managed correctly, whereas a democraticlly elected bunch of disagreeing fools can make matters worse!.


Nope, Democracy is a form of government, and every government can start a war!
And let's be frank, America has declared war on more people in the last 60 years than most other nations have in 5 centuries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com