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Position:Home>History> What is the failure of a collective security system in terms of states pursuing

Question: What is the failure of a collective security system in terms of states pursuing their sovereign interests and/
what is the failure of a collective security system in terms of states pursuing their sovereign interests and/or responding to nationalist sentiments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In International Relations Theory, realists believe that states pursue their own interests, that they are only wiling to co-operate as far as their own interests go!. Realists believe that states will also go to war to pursue their own interests!.

On the other end of the scale in I!.R theory is liberals who believe that while states can be self-motivated that states can co-operate for the common good, and that democratic states are more likely to co-operate in the belief that co-operation brings mutual gains and defuses wars!.

In collective security systems such as NATO, smaller states will join with larger states for their own security!. Called bandwagoning!. States will also join together against another state in their own interests - ie for gain!. States will do this also to maintain a balance of power!. These gains can be relative gains - ie that the state pursues its interests in relation to what other states have or do not have!. Ie Arms races!.!.nuclear weapons!.!.

Collective security systems can fail when states begin to pursue their own interests - ie the alliance between the U!.S, Britain, France, Soviet Union during the Second World War!. Which although was designed to stop Nazi Germany, when that goal was accomplished, the alliance split apart over arguments about control of Berlin, the proposed U!.N etc

There is a lot more on this subject on the web if you type in International Relations theory in any search engine!. Its been two years since i did I!.R theory!. Sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com