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Question: Books during the American Civil War!?
What were popular books during the American Civil War (or at least around that time)!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well the biggie would have to be Harriet Beecher Ward's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' which many cite as igniting the conflict will now go to cut & paste!.!.!.
""Sometimes referred to as "sentimental fiction" or "woman's fiction," "domestic fiction" refers to a type of novel popular with women readers during the middle of the nineteenth century!. The genre began with Catharine Sedgwick's New-England Tale (1822) and remained a dominant fictional type until after 1870!. It derives in part from the eighteenth-century "sentimental novel" or "novel of sensibility," of which Henry Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling (1771), Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield (1766), and one of the earliest American novels, The Power of Sympathy (1789), written by William Hill Brown but ascribed circa 1860 to Sarah Wentworth Morton (Feminist Companion to Literature in English 766), are examples!. In their reliance on the inherent goodness of human nature and the power of feelings as a guide to right conduct, these novels were in part a reaction against Calvinistic doctrines that viewed humanity as inherently depraved!.
Caroline Lee (Whiting) Hentz (1800-1856)
Linda (1850)
Rena, the Snowbird (1850)
Eoline (1852)
Marcus Warland (1852)
Helen and Arthur (1853)
The Planter's Northern Bride (1854)
Robert Graham (1855; sequel to Linda)
Ernest Linwood (1856)
Maria Jane McIntosh (1803-1878)
Charms and Counter-Charms (1848)
Violet; or The Cross and the Crown (1856)
Two Pictures; or What We Think of Ourselves and What the World Thinks of Us (1863)
Caroline Chesebro' (1825-1873)
Alone (1854)
At Last The Hidden Path (1855)
Moss-Side (1857)
"""Harriet Wilson (c!. 1807-1870)
Harriet Wilson was the first African-American to publish a novel in the United States -- Our ***: or, Sketches from the life of a Free Black, in a two-storey white house, North!. showing that Slavery's Shadows Fall Even There (1859)!. The novel realistically dramatizes the marriage between a white woman and a black man, and also depicts the difficult life of a black servant in a wealthy Christian household!. Formerly thought to be autobiographical, it is now understood to be a work of fiction!.
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
The Scarlet Letter (1850)
The House of the Seven Gables (1851),
The Blithedale Romance (1852)
The Marble Faun (1860),
And the Works of Herman Melville such as White Jacket & Redburn and Moby Dick would still have been widely read!.!.!.!.!.