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Position:Home>History> Wich was the more difficult & the more murderer campaign in WW2, the pacific cam

Question: Wich was the more difficult & the more murderer campaign in WW2, the pacific campaign or europe campaign !?
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The Allied offensives in WW2 were not murder campaigns!.

The Holocaust is well-documented and cannot be denied!. Hitler had to be stopped by any means necessary!. I don't think anyone doubts that!.

The Pacific Campaign was no different!. The Japanese, of that era, considered themselves racially superior to all non-Japanese!. As far as they were concerned, the only reason to keep non-Japanese enemies alive was so they could serve the Empire as slaves!.

Please read "The Rape of Nanking"!. The irony is that the leader of the western civilians, who risked their lives to save Chinese people, was a German fellow and a card-carrying member of the Nazi party!. He was influential, and actually petitioned Hitler, to no avail, for the Japanese to lay off the murder and rape and torture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War is Heck whereever it may be - - - - you could freeze in the snow of Russia and Eastern Europe or struggle beneath the humidity & heat in the Pacific and in both places you dealt with mosquitos during the humid hot spells and lice & ticks all the rest of the time!. One of the most terrific places on Earth was one of the worse places to fight!. Italy had weeks of rain, thick sucking mud that crippled tanks, mosquitoes that could suck a pint with a single bite, sharp rocks ripping apart boots, foul water, and for many an American GI raised on Coke-A-Cola and RootBeer a well meaning peasent pushing pungent gut wrenching diesel fuel red wine meant agony beyond comprehension!.
So as the old soldier said, "You had to be there," whereever there was!

(Oh a side note // once ashore in Europe one was mostly on dry land - - - the Pacific war meant trying to land an ungainly boat thru dangerous surf so you might drown before ever seeing combat)


I, knowing the facts about WW2, don't think any one was worse then the other!. One mentions "Hitler killing the Jews" but, he seems to forget the "Slaughter at Beijing China" and the slaughter of the Chinese!. The Bataan death march, etc!.

Mans inhumane character to his fellow man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wars gain cannot be measured, just as it's sufferring!. Millions of innocent people were killed in the pacific, just like the millions killed in the west!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most I guess it was the D Day and the strong german resistance during one month in Normandy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler's killing the Jews to wipe out the race!.Www@QuestionHome@Com