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Position:Home>History> Why do Egyptologists stubbornly refuse to reevaluate historical chronology or &#

Question: Why do Egyptologists stubbornly refuse to reevaluate historical chronology or 'established' facts !.!.!.!?
With the whole raft of evidence that is building up!. And why do they squash any further scientific study into the discipline that isn't run by them!?
Surely archeology, like any science, should be open to debate and questioning!?
To give a few examples,
Weather erosion on the Sphinx that specifically shows it to be water precipitation from a tropical climate (that could not have happened unless it was built at least 5000 years before Egyptologists say it was!?)
Or the evidence that is building up to show that the pharoahs face on the sphinx was recarved FROM the original head!?
Or how about new theories that state that the preccessional cycle of the stars dates the Giza platau to 10,500 BCE!?
Even Flinders Petrie found precision stone cutting techniques that would be difficult even by todays modern standards!?
All these theories are saying is essentially Egyptian civialisation began A LOT sooner than we originally thought!.So why the reluctance to accept them or at least debate them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Archeology today suffers from impodance and ignorrance!.
Modern archeologists have no practicle experience and posses
paper degrees from schools where they read books by people
who actually produced archeologically!. There is nothing done
in the past that could not be done better today!. Most of these
scientists live in a bubble often times 'discovering' things long
since known by indiginous people!. They are biased and totally
unreliable!. And the things you pointed out, I share your frustration
and don,t think the crackpots we have today will ever solve them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Egyptologist are not refusing to re-evaluate!. That is part and parcel of their profession!. What they, and other professionals, wont do is to lisen to drivel poured out by untrained TV 'historians' with no more science training than the average school child!.
If you think the archaeloogists are wrong - get yourself a degree, and get out there proving them wrong !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree with BigRedDan!. Archaeologists go with the evidence!. Your people, Velikovskians, and Fundamentalists - lots of archaeological morons from other disciplines there, too - are trying to push some pet theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could it be the fundies, alarmed at any evidence that the Earth is old!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree with every golden word you have published above!.

I sometimes get the impression that Egyptologists and other 'diggers' are in the business of 'revision' and 'denial'!.

The only 'diggers' I pay any attention to these days are those on Channel 4's Time-Team!.

Time-Team visit an Anglo-Saxon burial site (grave yard)

YouTube - Time Team - Anglo Saxon Cemetery - Part 1
Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already a member!. !.!.!. http://www!.onthebox!.com/program/1210935/ time - team !.aspx !.!.!.

Before I get completely out of my bed, let me explain something of myself to you!. By race I am a Brythonic Celt (Welsh) and according to DNA studies being carried out by a team from Oxford Uni - the 'Celts' of Cornwall and Wales have been in the Island of Britain (Breten) for nigh 15,000 years!.

When you look at me you are actually looking at a person who's ancestors built Stonehenge and all the other monuments of ancient Breten!.

There's no possibility of denying this - it's a proven scientific fact!. Yes the so-called 'diggers' do not want this to be the truth!. Principally they are driven by a political elite who are in denial of there ever having been a Pan-European and Celtic culture - in spite of the evidence before their eyes!.

Why is that!?

Their funding comes from political groups who are opposed to the EU - that's my theory!.

Thankfully, 'Time-Team' is a Channel 4 product which is driven by much more robust and open minded thinkers, mainly of the slightly pink to blazing red kind!.

The entire business of 'digs' is surrounded by political waffle and bull-kite and the movers and shakers of this world want the rest of us peasants to believe the world is as they say it is and not as it is, based upon the glaringly obvious scientific facts!.

Another thing I have noticed during my 67 years of life so far, is that the 'toffs' (rich influential volk) do not want anyone of the lower classes to dare to come up with anything which would disprove their theories and their rights to dominate the world and the rest of us!.

So it's not so much Howard Carter, it's more a case of Lord Carnarvon (Carnarffon) - if you see what I mean!. His Lordship died, bitten by some insect or other - he had also filled his house here in UK with stolen artifacts from the Tomb of Tutankhamun - most of which have never been recovered and some of which might have thrown some blazing light upon what you have said in your posting!.

STONEHENGE - Here's an American 'worker' who may have found out how we built Stonehenge!. I'm not saying this is exactly how it was done, but because he is a 'worker' and not a 'scholar', he sees Stonehenge from the point of view of it being a construction site - which is exactly what it is!.

YouTube - Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything 15 Oct 2006 !.!.!. Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge -sized pillar weighing 22000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft!.

One of the stupidest things I ever saw was back in the 1950s when a bunch of English 'schoolboys' (16 years old average) were taken to Stonehenge and told to pull large stones about!. What sort of mind-set lunatic thought this one up!? It came from the idea that folk back then were either smaller than we are today or just plain under developed!.

If anyone wants to meet someone who might have built Stonehenge, take a look at a 'worker' such as Wally Wallington in the above clip!. also get a load of any hard-rock Cornish (Celtic) tin-miner!. These guys crack solid granit by hand with a few simple tools!. These people are descended from the very folk who built Stonehenge!.

Yet, here in UK the scholars want everyone to think Stonehenge was built by people called the Beaker Folk, as though somehow they were foreigners!. They're only called Beaker Folk because they are mostly buried with their beer mug - beaker!. Means they must be British - only the British make real beer!.

Yes I know, it's a bit of a wobbly rant, but it's what I think!.

Scholars (Gawd bless them) know damn all about industrial might and work!. They somehow believe that the Pryamids were built by people called 'scribes' - folk similar to themselves!. Wrong!. The Pyramids and Stonehenge etc were all built by 'workers'!.

You can find out more about 'Stoneage' culture by visiting Madagascar today where the same culture which built Stonehenge is alive and well and doing it right now!.

But, the scholars do not want you to know this or include it in any study along side Stonehenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com