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Question: Medieval help!!?
heyy so i was just woundering what were the differen type of people in medieval times!.
i no you have the peasents and the rich!.!.!.what are the others!?
high points! thanks! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Their were orders, that were a collection of family members!. Each family had knights!. Knights are members of the family!. Each family owns a large amount of land, where they allow peasants to live and give their protection if they work for them!. the peasants can join the army, and if they perform an act of glory on a battlefield, can be adopted into a family!. Each peasant is part of a militia, acting as a military force at the nobles request!. Orders are usually formed under the rule of a higher person like a king or a queen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The majority of the population were the peasants who worked the land!. They normally lived in villages,and each peasant grew crops on his own strip of land, while animals were grazed on the common land!. There would be some specialist craftsmen like the village blacksmith, and the miller who ground the corn that the peasants grew!. The chief overseer of the village was called the Reeve!. There would be a tavern where ale would be sold by the village alewife, brewing was a woman's job in medieval times!.

The clergy were an important section of medieval life, there would be a church in every village with a priest, and there were monasteries where orders of monks and nuns lived, prayed and worked!. They kept infirmaries where the sick and old were tended, and schools where the children of the peasantry could get an education, and they gave hospitality to travellers!. Many monks and nunse worked at copying books out by hand, since there was no printing before the late 15th century!.

In towns, there would be a variety of tradesmen, craftsmen and merchants conducting their business!. Towns were a lot smaller than they are now, but they were thriving commercial centres, crowded with peope following all kinds of crafts, most of them would belong to one of the Guilds, which were organisations that protected the interests of their workers and oversaw trading standards, and provided pensions, sick pay, schools for the children etc!. Weavers, potters, builders, leatherworkers, armourers, carpenters, grocers, butchers, bakers, fishmongers, apothecaries, mercers etc would all have their own guilds!. it is not true (as a comment above suggests) that there was no 'middle class' in medieval times!. Towns would be filled with people who were 'middle class' prospperous tradesmen and merchants, craftsmen who owned their own workshops etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well most of the population were made up of serfs, who lived on the land belonging to the wealthy!. Royalty was made up of all the people that legends revolve around: knights, ladies in waiting, kings queens, etc!. But i think a lot of people forget about the masses of people that were 'of the cloth"!. I've taken 4 Medieval studies courses and there was very little talk of knights and kings!. They were, essentially, religious courses because that's what society revolved around at the time!. Nuns and monks are a big part of the social scheme that makes up Medieval history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, lets see, there were Knights, The King, Peasant farmers, Monks, Clergymen, Parsons, Court Jesters, Blacksmiths--there are many more, but just like today, people are mostly defined by their jobs!. Of course their would be titles, like Lady, and Sir if they were wealthy or upper middle class, but one must remember that in the Medieval era there wasn't much of a middle class!. The majority of people were either peasants or wealthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

snurfs yes they are really they were like the maids of the pesants and knights, knoblemen, and others
sorry tahst all i knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try researching the concept of the 'Great Chain of Being'

The medieval hierarchy was very structured and fixed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

kings, lady, doctors, so much more!. it is just easy to research!. don't be scared researching them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com