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Position:Home>History> Why didn't Hitler invade Switzerland?

Question: Why didn't Hitler invade Switzerland!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Switzerland was netural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there was no particular reason to!. The Swiss, while technically, neutral, cooperated in many ways with the Germans, Italians and Vichy French!. He was already involved in an unwinnable two front war (once Russian resistance stiffened); invading Switzerland would tie down more of his troops and wouldn't have gained him any natural resources

naturally, another reason for attacking a country is that it might attack you!. No reason to worry about the Swiss, who only defend (and very well) while never attacking!. Seems like a pretty good plan!. They got richer as the war went on, being used as a safe depository for plundered items (including gold teeth taken from concentration camp dead)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he ran out of time!.
He took the northern part of France, the southern part was resisting!. He was gonna take all of it eventually, and Swityerland too, if we didn-t stop him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com