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Position:Home>History> Are the History Channel's documentaries accurate?

Question: Are the History Channel's documentaries accurate!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The information presented is accurate!. However some of the documentaries are incomplete and don't tell the full story, which can make them biased as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are well researched, but who can say if the information in the research is an accurate account - especially when they deal with something that is ancient history!. There's a saying to the effect that: History is the winner's story!. It may be true and we never get to hear the loser's story!.
However, the History Channel's documentarires are as accuate as they can make them, given the information available to them!.
Now if someone could invent a time machine so we could go back and find out what REALLY happened!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them are quite poor - the pictures show one model of tank or army unit - the voice-over talks of another!. The best are the bought in BBC ones, the worst are the in house produced ones - they only seem to have a few clips from WW2 that crop up in nearly all documentaries!.
As for analysis, some are very good, most are alright, with some inaccuracies, and some are poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take everything on the channel with a grain of salt, the key motivator even on cable is ratings and selling advertisements!.

Sometimes the stuff makes me giggle though, once they were showing a diagram of the Schlieffen plan from WW1 but they used the wrong colors for the German flag!. Another time they claimed that global warming not only caused the black death but eventually led to both the American and French revolutions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I can only tell you about subjects I understand, and those are WWII docs!. Some are better then others!. One glaring one was about the Waffen SS!. Dates were correct but theories and over all presentation was horrible!. It made the honorable men look like cold blooded killers and they only presented one side of the story!. Im sure if I re-watched it now I could find more things wrong with it!.
In HS, my religion teacher found a bunch of things wrong with a Doc about the Protestant Reformation and about other religious topics!.
So no not always!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is so interpretive!.!.!. I don't think they should be taken as absolute truth!.!.!. but for general knowledge you would be safe to assume the timelines and basic information is relatively accurate!. The small details are a different matter however!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The quality varies!. They tend to use the same battle footage for ancient battles over and over again!. I've also caught them in contradictions!. They do better at modern history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any retelling of history is likely to be affected by the conscious or unconscious biases of the teller!.Www@QuestionHome@Com