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Position:Home>History> What is a happy event in world history?

Question: What is a happy event in world history!?
For a dance project in school, we must pick an event in world history and choreograph a dance based on our feelings toward that event!. Most people are doing sad events, such as the Holocaust, but my group would rather take a happy approach!. We are having trouble, however, finding anything happy that has somehow had an effect on our lives, or made us truly feel happy about our world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would do when women won the right to vote!. It's important for younger women to remember that a lot was sacrificed and a lot of people worked very hard for a right that, in the US, is less than 100 years old but that we tend to take for granted!. also, it's workable from a costume and prop standpoint!. You could make picketing signs or something, or banners, and have an excuse to wear giant hats!. Giant hats were in fashion at the time!. And they are awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unhappy events have sharper edges, which is why it is easier to identify them!. Happy events, such as the passing of the Civil Rights Act or woman's votes are more boring in the abstract, but certainly make our lives happier!. How about inventions!? While some might say that cars have brought many woes to the world, others would rightly say that the freedom cars give us have truly enriched our lives!. So, pick the event that has brought the most joy, or fun, to your lives!. Cell phones, perhaps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The landing on the moon!. Mankind finally setting foot on a world other than the one it was born to!.
The invention of the printing press!. Knowledge was now no longer the sole property of the few who could afford handwritten texts!.
Domestication of animals!. Besides providing power to work fields and carry loads, it provided an energy rich food source and helped raise people above subsistance level hunting/gathering!.
Learning to make music and/or art!. We have some evidence that both of these activities go far back into prehistory, before the establishment of villages and cities!. The world was still dangerous and strange, but people still found ways to find pleasure in it!.

Hope one of these helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

V-E day, Victory in Europe Day!.
Its a day celebrating the end of World War II!.Www@QuestionHome@Com