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Position:Home>History> What is the most important cause and result of WW2? thanks?

Question: What is the most important cause and result of WW2!? thanks!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The most important cause of WWI was German aggression:
-Anglo-German Naval Pact
-Munich Conference (where Hitler got the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia)
-re militarization of the Rhineland
-ideological concept of Lebensraum (the need for 'living space' clarified the Nazi party's 25 points)

The most important result of WWII was the origin of the Cold War after the Yalta Conference where the Allies attempted to define the framework for a postwar settlement in Europe!. WWII left two great super powers, USA and USSR (capitalism v!. communism) at odds!. Increased tensions and space race came with this as well as the Korean War!. Situation in Berlin: Berlin airlift, Berlin wall, for instance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most important cause of WWII is the Treaty of Versaille concluded at the end of WWI!. Instead of creating a common market (as J!.M!. Keynes proposed and as was done after WWII), the allies proceeded to isolate Germany and Austria (and, by extension, Russia)!.!.!. Fast forward 20 years, and you see a new generation in both Germany and Russia that views the West as the enemy!.

The most important result, in my opinion, is the defeat of Fascism!. Before WWII, many in the West thought that democracy has failed and the capitalist system must morph into a Fascist dictatorship, lest it become a Communist one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Causes of world war 2!.!.!. germany's invasion of poland, the japanese war, the holocaust, and the japanese attacking pearl harborWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hilter wanted the world!. The result amny of the problems we have in the Middle East and South East AsiaWww@QuestionHome@Com