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Position:Home>History> If Claus Von Stauffenberg would had assassinated Hitler, what would had happen i

Question: If Claus Von Stauffenberg would had assassinated Hitler, what would had happen in Europe!?
Pros n Cons!? (2 of each please)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pros: no more mad man, a possible immediate end to the war preventing continued destruction of Germany!.

Cons: The generals were in a dream world, not only did they think they could keep conquered territories but that the British and Americans would be willing to make a seperate peace so that they could all work together to defeat the Soviets!. also, just getting ridding of Hitler would not necessarily have ended Nazism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The aggression from the German military probably would have ended at once, but they would have defended their lines until a peace was negotiated!. With Hitler out of power, the Americans and British probably would have negotiated, but the Germans would be fighting the Russians for a long time because Stalin was at least as blood thirsty and evil as Hitler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com