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Position:Home>History> What impact did the declaration of independence create?

Question: What impact did the declaration of independence create!?
what were they trying to do!? what actually happened!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you really serious with this question!? Read the book by Dr!. William Bennett, "America: The Last Great Hope!." This was the first time in recorded history that a large group of people (united) broke with their ruling sovereign in order to establish their own form of government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's name is actually a little deceptive!. While a similar document was sent to King George in England about a month before, the DOI was actually written both to unify the Colonies and to let other countries know why they had separated from England!. Britain had figured out well before then that they intended to do so!. It also went a long way in establishing the kind of nation the men who signed it hoped to create!. You may notice similarities between the causes noted in the DOI and the Bill of Rights!. For example, in the DOI they complain that the King had quartered soldiers in their houses during time peace!. The Bill of Rights expressley forbids this from happening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The document's name says it all!. It was a statement to King George that the North American colonies would not continue to be a part of England!.!.!.that it's signers were forming a new government and country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com