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Question: Impact of the Napoleonic Wars!?
What impact did the Napoleonic wars have on europe and the rest of the world!. Be specific please, what exactly changed as a direct or indirect reult of Napoleon's attmept to conquer europe!? Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Your welcome to my notes, written 3 years ago for a Year 12 group!.


Impact of War upon Europe!. Few regions escaped the devastation, armies requisitioning food, occupation of lands, demands of the tax collector and the recruiting Sergeant!.

Warfare itself had a new form and scope, massed armies – the result of the levee en masse and the opportunity to conduct war on separate fronts conducted at the same time!. Massed armies and the general hatred of Napoleon may have stirred the spirit of Nationalism within Europe!. The Napoleonic Wars = the First World War!? War was fought in Europe, Africa and North/South America!.

The Code Napoleon – the abolition of feudalism within the Empire!. The French and Republicanism were welcomed in some parts of Europe (Holland, Poland, Brussels, Milan, Switz) and viewed with hatred in other parts (Spain, Prussia)!. The benefits of republicanism (the end of feudal duties and law) had to be weighed against heavy taxation and merciless conscription!. A wave of uprisings in France, Spain and Italy would follow the return of feudal duties and law!.

The Restructuring of Europe!. The remoulding of both Italy and Germany paved the way for both to form united national identities!. The rise of Nationalism!? The battle of Leipzig in 1813 (France v Russia, Austria, Prussia, Sweden) is also know as the Battle of the Nations!. Before Napoleon, countries borders rarely shifted!. Napoleon’s sweeping conquest of western and central Europe stirred up nationalist feelings against the French!. But this must be treated with care – Nationalism in Russia!?

The Continental System!. An early European Union!? Although a failure, it did alter the economic map of Europe!. Industry and trade routes were forced to migrate in land from the coast!. The Rhineland and the Ruhr began to take shape and prosper!. Stirs up nationalist feeling against the French!?

The enthronement of Napoleon’s relatives on the thrones of Europe!. A problem to be addressed by the congress of Vienna in 1815 (if they had not been disposed of earlier)!.

Franklin Ford “Napoleon’s impact on the 19th Century”
· Revolution in the structures of Government (Many countries formerly within the Napoleonic Empire kept the departmental system of government)
· Warfare would never be the same again (Levee en masse)
· The involvement of public opinion in Politics increased (Although Republicanism had been thwarted, society would never be the same again)!. The rise of Liberalism!.
· Although much of the Nobility returned to their former positions of authority and wealth, the ‘old ways’ had generally been replaced by a new society based upon both merit and birth rite!.

1815 – Congress of Vienna by victorious nations leads directly to Congress Europe!. A new era in diplomatic relations!?

At the very least, Napoleon’s impact on Europe was such that the continent would never be the same again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com