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Position:Home>History> Can you write an about me for Frederick ll of Prussia, like it was written by hi

Question: Can you write an about me for Frederick ll of Prussia, like it was written by him!. Please!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was born on January 24, 1712, named after my father the king of Prussia, King Frederick William I, and proud grandson of Frederick I!. Thus it be no surprise that my name be Frederick II, and I became among the most notable of enlightened despots in 18th century Europe!.

My mother, Sophia Dorothea of Hannover, was endearing to me, she encouraged me with tutors in the education of ife, music, and French literature!. My father did not understand my tastes for life and developed an open dislike for me!. I rebelled and fled to England on my 18th year of life!. Alas, my proposed plan was discovered, and I was arrested, imprisoned, temporarily deprived of my status as crown prince, and forced to witness the execution of one of my two dear friends!.

Disheartened, I threw myself into fiscal and military affairs and consented for my families politics to a marriage at the youthful age of 21 to Elizabeth Christine, daughter of Ferdinand Albert II of Brunswick!. At this time I was then favored by my father again and reinstated to the position as crown prince!. My what we must do to please our parents!.

For seven years i lived at my estate at Rheinsburg, where, I studied philosophy, history, and poetry and corresponded with the French philosophers, such as my friend Voltaire!. It was he who enlightened me to write my Antimachiavell which he published in 1740!. I was happy to speak my mind about how I idealistically opposed the political doctrines of the Italian statesman and philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, favoring peaceful and enlightened rule!. to me peace was the enlightenment of tomorrow!.

But alas, on the death of my father in 1740, I became king and embarked almost immediately on a policy of Prussian aggrandizement which felt heavy on my heart!. But I gallently lead the battle!. I led my forces to victory at Mollwitz in 1741 and at Chotusitz in 1742; in the latter year, by the Treaty of Breslau, Maria Theresa was obliged to yield the Silesian territory demanded by Prussia!. I indeed was recognized as an able military leader, and in my reign the position of Prussia in Europe had risen considerably!.

I watch this little country try to emerge called America!. Due to my own background I am extremely sympathetic to the American Revolution and am an admirer of George Washington!. I am proud to say I was one of the first sovereigns to conclude a commercial treaty with the United States!.

Under my rule and reign new methods of agriculture and manufacturing were introduced!. Marshes were drained, providing new lands for cultivation and colonization, and the institution of serfdom, while not abolished, was somewhat liberalized!. Under my personal supervision the efficiency and size of the army were increased!. I reviewed the troops frequently, concerned myself with the discipline of my good officers and men!. I wrote many works for my generals on the science of warfare!. In 1747, I issued a new codification of Prussian law, the Codex Fridericianus!. I was particularly interested in the equitable distribution of justice to all classes and was seeing my dreams come true!.

Today at the age of 74, I can look back and be proud to be quite the prolific writer, I am tired and old living my final days at at Sans Souci, dreaming of a free world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we cant just write one for you
you have to do it
look up his history on google or look up
frederick II prussia autobiography and just put t in the words of i & meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dude you can do that yourself!. Just do a bit of research!Www@QuestionHome@Com
