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Position:Home>History> History help ???!?!?!?!? Is there ne history teachers out there that I could ema

Question: History help !?!?!?!!?!!?!!?!!? Is there ne history teachers out there that I could email for help !?!?
Pick a decade in the 20th century!. Discuss foreign and domestic events (Political, Social, Economical) that you think impacted on the American Society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do the 80s! :)
You could talk about:
Ending of the Cold War - talks between the U!.S!. and U!.S!.S!.R!.
Berlin Wall coming down
Development of computer softwares
Reaganomics/the era of Reagan
Impact of events in the Middle East - Iran Hostage Crisis, Iran/Iraq warWww@QuestionHome@Com

The greatest impacts were the WWII decade and the sixties!. Sorry, but no others even come close!. I won't do the work but will explain why!. The forties made the USA a genuine super power, that dominated the world along with the USSR!. The sixties led to social change that transformed and still affect Americans lives!. The current presidential race with a black man and woman both as serious contenders against a conservative white male like McCain got their roots in the sixties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a question I will try to help!. If you want me to do the work sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com