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Question: Roman Calendar!?
In my Latin Class!.!.!. We were told to do somthing Roman!.

The teacher assigned differend things like Navy, Arny, food, art, exc!.

She assigned me to the Roman Calendar!. She told me to make a Model of a Roman Calender, including details of how they would tell their days and weeks!. And she wants the Calendar to be a Calendar of the MONTH OF APRIL!.

Ive been reasearching all day!.

I cannot find any information of HOW they used their calendar, every time I googel it for images, this Roman Calendar comes up, but I cannot read it or tell what month it is!.

Can u please link some ideas and some pictures to WHAT A ROMAN CALENDAR LOOKS LIKE OF THE MONTH OF APRIL!

I also have to give an oral report about it too at the front of the classWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I doubt you've never seen this one before;


but I also doubt it's useless for you!. This should be getting you somewhere!.

The same goes for this one:


I'm assuming you mean the Julian calendar!.

Here's a picture of a calendar, it includes April:


just look at the top row and you will find "CK!.APR!.F" and everything below that is April!.

I don't precisely understand what you mean by "how they used" - they read it to keep track of the dates, which was useful for basically everything that includes setting a date or preparing for a festival on a certain date!. They also used it to record history properly!.

Here's one more picture, that shows the first days of the month of January and February:

I hope you'll be able to figure it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Roman Calender was called the Julian Calender!. That term might help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do not think of a calendar so much as physical object but as an abstract concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should google Roman months instead!. Here are the months: