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Position:Home>History> History of the chuch..................10 points!!?

Question: History of the chuch!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.10 points!!!?
can put all of these events/people in order with the date next to them!? first person gets 10 points :D

medieval monasticism
the council of trent
the council of Nicea
vatican council 2
the protestant reformation in europe
martin luther
the english reformation
missionaries in africa
the plague (bubonic)
the council of chalcedon
vatican council
the great schism
henry VIII
missionaries in south america
the early church

hand on, are they already in order!? if so can u get the date!?

good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok!.!.!.here goes! These are in order by when they started, you did not list specifics for some of them (like luther, when he was born or when he became "famous", plague - I put the first one down as it happened several times, most notably in 1603), etc!.

early church 130
council of nicea 325
council of chalcedon 451
medieval monasticism 529
bubonic plaque 1347
great schism 1378
martin luther 1483
henry viii 1509
protestant reformation 1517
indulgences 1517
zwingli 1519
english reformation 1529
council of trent 1545
galileo 1564
vatican council 1 1869
missionaries in africa 1893
missionaries in south america 1921
vatican council 2 1962Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The early church-(In context of Book of Acts, which
chronicles the rise and spread of Early Church!.) –Circa 130!?

2!. The Council of Nicea-325 A!.D!.

3!. The Council of Chalcedon-451 A!.D!.

4!. The Great Schism- 1054

5!. The Bubonic Plague- 1330’s-1340’s!.

6!. Missionaries in Africa- 1450-1960 (First wave, until 1890, Catholic, 2nd, Protestant!.)

7!. Martin Luther – 1483-1546

8!. Zwingli- 1484-1531

9!. Medieval Monasticism- 1490

10!. Henry VIII- 1491-1547

11!. Indulgences- Just Prior to 1517!.

12!. The Protestant Reformation- 1517!.

13!. The English Reformation- Supremacy Act passed in 1534, basically 16th!. Cent!. England

14!. The Council of Trent-1545-1563

15!. Missionaries in South America- Jesuits, 1550!.

16!. Galileo- 1564-1642

17!. Vatican Council -1868

18!. Vatican II- 1962-1965Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is a good order:

Early Church (since I cent!.)
Coucil of Nicea 325
Monasticism (since IV cent!.)
Council of Chalcedon 451
Great Schism 1054
Indulgences (since XIV cent!.)
Bubonic plague 1348
Martin Luther 1483-1546
Zwingli 1484-1531
Missionaries in South America (since XVI cent!.)
Henry VIII 1509-1547
Protestant reformation 1517
English reformation 1536
Council of Trent 1545-1563
Galileo 1564-1642
Missionaries in Africa (since XIX sec!.)
Vatican Council I 1868
Vatican Council II 1959Www@QuestionHome@Com