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Question: Concentration camp help!!!!!!!!?
At what age should you visit a concentration camp!. I visited one when i was 10!. How will that affect me!. i am 12Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am fourteen years old but I believe that you should visit a concentration camp when you absolutely think you are ready!. It could be ten years old or even 50 before you are ready!.
As you well know some of the most horrendous things happened there in human history!. It really depends on how strong you are inside (maturity) for the time when you should visit one!. also I think it depends on some how if you had realative who witnessed it from first hand!. It would be more deep and meaning full that way!. Some people who had relatives will never be ready to see a concentration camp!.
By affecting your life I think you will have a much more deep sense of how human life is precious and can be taken
away very easily!.
In my opinion I think It is horrible to see but might be one of the most important things you will ever see in your life!. You should be proud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That definately depends on maturity level way more so than physical age!. If you are mature enough to fully understand and comprehend the level of evil and complete human devistation associated with concentration camps, then I would say you're old enough!. If you do not understand the kinds of things that happened there, why, how, when and by who then you are not old enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com