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Position:Home>History> American history !!!!! im portant ppl i need to know about that for some strange

Question: American history !!!!! im portant ppl i need to know about that for some strange reason i cant find info about
who were thes of couse VERY important people from american history !. i NEED to know !. a short description!.
1!. MacArther

(and no im not talking about ozzy ozborn)
3!. the quackers
(if i spelled it right :] )
4!.bengimen franklin
5!.eli whitney
6!. george washington
(i know ur thinking !.!.!. duh he was our first president !. but what other than that was he REALLY famous 4!?)
7!.Zachary taylor
8!. william slyvis
(if i spelled it right) [sorry]
thanks 4 ANY help u can possibly provide i appreciate it!
thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. :}Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're asking a lot when you don't give full names and also use poor spelling!.

1!. General Douglas MacArthur, (January 26 1880 - April 5 1964), highly decorated five-star U!.S!. Army General!.
He served in World War One!.
He retired from the US Army in 1937!.
In 1938 the President of the Phillipines, Manuel Quezon, appointed him Field Marshall of the Phillipine Army!.
In 1941 MacArthur was recalled to active duty with the US Army!.
1942 MacArthur was Supreme Allied Commander
of the Southwest Pacific theater!.
On September 2, 1945 on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, MacArthur accepted Japan's unconditional surrender!.
In June 1950, with the beginning of the Korean War,
MacArthur was appointed the Supreme United Nations commander!.

2!. I'd already guessed you were not referring to Ozzy Osbourne!.
Call a friend and find out who you're talking about and I might be able to help you!.

3!. The Quakers in Colonial America!.
William Penn lived in England!. He was a member of a religious group called the Quakers!. The Quakers had no religious leaders!. They believed every man was equal!. All members met to worship God as equals!.
The Quakers could not worship in England because they did not follow the Church of England!. Many Quakers were sent to jail for not going to the Church of England!.
William Penn was one of those who had been sent to jail!. The King of England owed Penn's father a lot of money!. Penn's father asked the King of England to give him land in America instead of the money!. The King agreed!.
In 1682 William Penn and his fellow Quakers came to the New World!. They named their new colony Pennsylvania!. This meant Penn's woods!. Penn opened his land to Quakers from all over the world!. Thousands came from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, and England!.

4!. Benjamin Franklin (January 17 1706 – April 17 1790), a printer by trade, a scientist by fame and inventor!. He was one of the most important and influential Founding Fathers!.
Possibly his most famous invention is electricity, he also invented bifocals and many other things!.

5!. Eli Whitney, (December 8, 1765–January 8, 1825), went down in history as the inventor of the cotton gin, a machine made to extract seeds from cotton, patented in 1794!.

6!. George Washington, (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) is called "the father of his country" for his crucial role in fighting for, creating and leading the United States of America in its earliest days!.
Washington was a surveyor, farmer and soldier who rose to command the Colonial forces!.
George Washington, the first President of the United States!. (1789-1797)

7!. Zachary Taylor, (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850)!.
The twelfth President of the United States (1849-1850)!.
A hero of the war with Mexico in 1846, Zachary Taylor was the first U!.S!. President who was "regular army"!. Nicknamed "Old Rough and Ready" while in the army!.

8!. Do you mean!?
William H!. Silvis (November 26, 1828—July 27, 1869)
Pioneer of the American Labor Movement!.
William H!. Sylvis, from Indiana County, was a founder of the Iron-Molders' International Union, and he later led the National Labor Union in 1868-69!.
In July 1859, Sylvis’ address to the Iron Molders of America became the preamble to the constitution of the new union and, at its second convention in1860 in Albany, he was elected treasurer!. When the Whig party ceased to exist, he became a Union Democrat and in 1860 supported Stephen Douglas in his run against Abraham Lincoln!. He opposed the Civil War because he thought it would slow down the work of unionizing and getting better conditions for the working man!. Once the war had begun and was in full swing, he was offered a Lieutenancy but turned it down and worked for nine months in Washington D!.C!. as a teamster!. In 1863, Sylvis was elected president of the union, which had been decimated by the war!. By 1868, he had organized 600,000 workers!. For a year just after the war, he edited and wrote many articles for the Workingman’s Advocate, the official organ of the National Labor Union!.
He was often mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate in the Democratic Party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are really simple questions, your text book should have the answers in it
1!. MacArthur - Army General in WWII and Korean Conflict
2!. Ozgood - check spelling & give a first name
3!. The Quakers are a form of Protestant Christianity which was started by George Fox in 1652 and which emphasizes the spiritual aspect of Christain faith and experience!. The label Quakers was a derogatory term given to the Society of Friends because of their habit of "quaking" during services!.
4!. Franklin - Discovered electricity, served on the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War hero
5!. Whitney - Invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts, among other things
6!. Washington - Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
7!. Zachary Taylor - 12th president, Old Rough and Ready, only served 16 months as president before he died
8!. Got nothing - check spelling & I can help you!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Sorry I couldn't find anything on Ozgood or William Slyvis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your spelling really is atrocious!.
You have good answers already, but I thought I'd best add that though you're probably looking for Douglas MacArthur, Arthur (his father) was almost as important a military man as the son!.Www@QuestionHome@Com