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Position:Home>History> Amrican History Questions! Please help!??

Question: Amrican History Questions! Please help!!?!?
i have my history final exam coming up and i cant find answers to these questions!. yes, i have researched and have only found a few!

1!.europeans came to u!.s!. for _____ opportunity
2!.least opportunity for public education (2 wrds)
3!.abolitionist and womens movements helped groups denied___
4!.urged freeing slaves as war tactic and moral issue (2wrds)
5!.strategy in war w/ Mexico, invade from more than one___
6!.improvements in____changed life in 1800s
7!.where u!.s!. settled for less lad than it wanted
8!.texans owning____upset mexican leaders
9!.region monrow doctrine was directed at (2wrds)
10!. sought religious freedom in the west
11!.putting intersets of your region ahead of nation
12!.immigration caused cities to become____
13!.in eletion of 1824, candidate with most popular votes___
14!.webster-hayne debate part of discussion about___(2wrds)
15!.a plan to make u!.s!. economically self-sufficient
16!.who sold land to pay for his wars!?
17!.jefferson helped desgn___Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These answers won't be found on the web!. These answers will be found in the text book written in the same wording as your questions!. I would like to help more, but the reason there are no other replies to your question, is that you will have to read your textbooks or lecture notes and discover the answers for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com