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Position:Home>History> Why does the Mayan Calendar stop at December 2012?

Question: Why does the Mayan Calendar stop at December 2012!?
Like, why can't it keep going forever!?!.!.!.i don't get why it doesn't get bigger date numbers!.!.!.

If anything, doesn't this prove that the Mayan Calendar is incorrect!?!?

AND, I thought all the planets were discovered LATER in history, by Galelio or whoever it is!.!.!.so how could the Mayans already know what planets were which!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Maya civilization worked off of TWO calendars!. One was solar and the other worked off of the movements of Venus!. The two calendars overlapped each other, so as one was coming to an end another one was already in progress!. They did not necessarily think the world was ending, they thought of the period that they were in was over and another period was starting!. Altough they did look for natural disasters to take place they did not think of the world as ending as thy knew it, only a new era starting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mayans could see the stars and the planets and by sight distinguish between the two by the apparent movement among the fixed stars!. The validity of the claim is not tested by any one!. The Mayans were descendants of the Olmec empire, with records and codices being destroyed by fire by the Spanish conquistadors!.
But there was always a oral tradition!. We don't know what will happen on 12/21/2012, but the time and date are related to a phenomenon called the precession of the Equinoxes!. It's the end of a five thousand year cycle!. The Mayan calendar is remarkedly accurate due to their computation of the value of pi, which value was more reliable than any European pi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's when the Myans thought the world would end!.

Just because westerners didn't discover somthing until later dosn't mean someone else didn't find it first!.

We who decend fron the europeans tend to think that somthing was discovered when a european found it!. Not always the case, For example the Chineese were using gunpowder and paper money long before they were known in europe!. but we tend to date them from when they were discovered in europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mayan's believed that the world would end on the
21st December 2012!.

I suggest we wait until then to see if it comes true !Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is when the world as we know it is supposed to end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com