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Question: Confused about the 1956 Suez Crisis!?
I am very confused about the Suez Crisis in general and I can't seem to find anything in my notes!. So how was the U!.S!. involved in the Suez Crisis; wasn't it Britain, France, and Israel that attacked Egypt!? What events precipitated its occurrence!? And was it international or British territory before Egypt's claim!? Was it immediately after this that Israel took control of it, or was that part of the 67 war!? I also remember that there was a "big idea" in all of this; does anyone know what that was!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The basic outlines are these!.
In the 1950s Nasser wanted to build a huge new dam at Aswan to provide electricity for Egypt and he had been promised money from the USA and Britian to help pay for it!. When this money did not appear he took over the Suez Canal in 1956 which was owned by a French/British company so he could use the revenues from the ships passing through to pay for the dam!.
This upset the British and French governments and they devised a secret plot with Israel to invade Egypt and return the canal to the French/British ownership!.
The idea was that Israel would attack the canal zone and engage the Egyptian army in battle!.
The French and British forces would then invade to separate the two sides and sieze control of the canal zone!.
This plan worked OK but they had not expected a hostile reaction from the rest of the world!.
The invasion was condemned in the UN and the USA in particular put heavy pressure on Britain to withdraw!.
The invading troops had to make a humiliating retreat and the British Prime Minister was forced to resign!.
Nasser got the canal and the dam was eventually built by the Russians
I think it was in the 1973 war that Israel managed to get control of the canal for several years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is more on this site about the Suez Canal Crisis

The Suez Crisis, also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression,[1] (Arabic: ???? ?????? - ??????? ????????; French: Crise du canal de Suez; Hebrew: ???? ????) (Kadesh Campaign) was a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel beginning on 29 October 1956!.[2][3] The attack followed Egypt's decision of 26 July 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal after the withdrawal of an offer by Britain and the United States to fund the building of the Aswan Dam!.[4]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The US role was that the others assumed Eisenhower would join in, and he didn't!.
The British especially saw Suez as strategically vital!. They put up with the abrogation of their treaty with Egypt over the canal, but Nassar had already made a career of pulling the tail of the British lion when he nationalized the canal, precipitating the following events!.
Israel never completely controlled the canal, but what you're thinking about is the 67 war!.
I'm not sure what "big idea" you're looking for, unless you find that respecting sovereign nations tends to work out in the long run!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The us was involved beacuse we wanted to get egypt on our side and check them off of the possible communist list!.
The reason that Britain, france, and isreal attacket egypt, was beacuse egypt had an importand trade canal, everyone used this canal!. It wasent really theirs but it was on their turf!.
Egypt wanted to build a dam, ( that was our was of helping them out and making sure they wernt part of communism, the US was going to help them finance it) so, in order to get money for the dam, they decied to charge a toll on the canal!. thats when britan, france, and isreal got upset, and attacked!.
us helping was the big idea, but that soon droped once egypt bought weapons from communist countrys!.!.i hope that made sence!.!.
ill do a recap

1!.egypt had a important trade canal!.
2!. egypt wants to build a dam,
3!. to get money from it the US decided to help finince it = big idea
4!. egypt buys communist weapons!. = no no for US, and US backs out!.
5!. Put a toll on the canal
6!. Brit,Fance,Isrea = mad at the toll!. " LETS ATTACK"
7!. we all get over it!. hah :]
hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com