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Position:Home>History> Bhagat singh's role in the freedom struggle?

Question: Bhagat singh's role in the freedom struggle!?
can you give me a detailed, to the point discription of bhagat singh's(indian freedom fighter) role in the freedom struggleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bhagat Singh played a very imp role in our history !. Bhaghat Singh just to grab attention of the Indians and also of the British did their best and had the courage to against the mighty empire!. They somehow felt that by being arrested by the Britishers they would have a greater impact and would be able to bring up the fire that all the youngster had and also encourage the youngster to fight against the Britishers !. they succeeded in their plan!. It can be said that their death really encouraged the youngsters to fight for their rights !.if you really want to know more you watch the movie of Bhaght SinghWww@QuestionHome@Com

Buy three books!.
1!. Letters of Bhagat Singh, by his Nephew, its in Hindi!.
2!. Gagan Damama Bajayo, by Piyush Mishra, in Hindi too!.
3!. Any book written on him by his co-revolutionary Manmath Naath Gupta!.

You will get entire knowledge about him and his persona!.

