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Position:Home>History> How has the WW1 caused the Iraq war?

Question: How has the WW1 caused the Iraq war!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not in any direct way!.
Iraq did not exist as a state until after WW1 when it was formed from the old Ottoman empire along with several other Middle Eastern states!.
It was given to Britain to administer who installed King Feisal as a figurehead and there was trouble from the word go with some tribes not wanting to be ruled by infidels!.
You could say that the present Iraq war is a left over from the Gulf War of the 1990s which was about Saddam's claim to include Kuwait in Iraq!.
All of the boundaries of these states had been drawn up in London and Paris after WW1 by civil servants who had no knowledge of the local history , customs or tribal divisions and this fact has been a major political problem ever since!.Www@QuestionHome@Com