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Position:Home>History> How to learn u.s. history faster and in a funner way?

Question: How to learn u!.s!. history faster and in a funner way!?
how can i learn u!.s!. history in a fun way so that idont get bored!? are there any movies good to whatch or stuff like that i could look into!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definetly watch!.!.!.!.
-Gangs of New York: helps your learn about "nativism" discrimination against the Irish/immigrants to new york, very good movie, helps you learn a lot about the time period
-The Patriot: helps you learn about the Revolutionary war with the loyalists/patriots/british
-The Great Gatsby: learn about the lifestyles of the 1920's
-Saving Private Ryan (WWII obviously)
-Life Is Beautiful (the Jewish during WWII)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it won't get you the equivalent of a college education or anything, but several of the old School House Rock videos were about American History!. They're still in my head today!Www@QuestionHome@Com