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Position:Home>History> Jobs of peasants? Lords? Knights? Kings?

Question: Jobs of peasants!? Lords!? Knights!? Kings!?
In medieval times, what were the jobs of the peasants, lords, knights, and the king!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most peasants (serfs) were farmers!. They often had to build their own houses, weave their own clothes, cut wood for fires, take care of animals, and make their own farm implements!. In addition, they usually had to provide services for the lord of the manor: build and maintain roads, bridges, fences, etc!.

Some serfs joined the clergy, becoming monks or priests!. During wartime, serfs were often pressed into duty as infantry!.

Knights were soldiers!. Some were small landowners, and most were sons of nobles!. They were expected to defend the lord of the manor where they lived!.

Lords (nobles) were large landowners!. They were expected to protect their vassals in time of war!. Most were loyal to other nobles (perhaps a king, but not necessarily), and so they were expected to support them in time of war!. They often had a great deal of influence in the selection of bishops and other high-ranking clergy!. Most high ranking clergy came from this class!. They also had to solve legal disputes, or they would appoint magistrates who did that!. Basically theirs was an administrative job!.

A king was like other nobles in that he controlled large areas of land and owned a number of serfs!. Other nobles in the land were usually his vassals, and he could count on them in case of war!. He would often be called upon to settle a legal dispute between nobles!. Everything I said about nobles (above) applied to kings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peasants worked for the lord on their farms, they would do housework too!.
Lords held estates and had control over peasants
Knights protected the lords estates in exchange for land!.
Kings had control over everyone and looked after the countryWww@QuestionHome@Com