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Position:Home>History> Why do you think Lincoln was NOT a great president?

Question: Why do you think Lincoln was NOT a great president!?
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Well the facts are that he divided the country in half just by being elected!. The !? is could Lincoln have helped to abolish slavery without going to war & over 600,000 people being killed!. It is true Lincoln made this nation what it is today!. The most ironic thing though is when Lincoln said that the southern states breaking off was unconstitutional!. When that's exactly what the 13 colonies did!. So if they had the right to break off & form their own country, then the south definitely had the same right!. Now the real !? is was the south so stuborn that they would not have given up their slaves the same way every other large nation gave up their slaves which is by being compensated for them & then being set free by their new owners!. To that !? one will never know!. Obviously those that love the north & think they did nothing wrong will say that the south would have never let the slaves go even if the north did more to compensate the south & allow them the same economic advantages that the north had!. also another reason southerners don't like Lincoln is how he ended the war!. Allowing Sherman to do what he did!. And allowing northerns to swoop in & buy all of the land from the southerners!. In many ways the north caused contempt between white southerners & african american southerners!. Cause white southerners would look at the way they were treated & blame african americans as the cause!. Sense northerners would say that slavery was the reason of the war!. And it could easily be said that african americans in the south were treated worse once considered "free" then when they were considered "slaves"!. also if you really believe that the north cared so much about african americans, than why did they never keep the promises they made to them!. For with a deminished south, with practically no actual southerners prospering except for northerners who came in!. They could have easily kept those promises!. But just like with the indians they did not!. And it's also a fact that life for african americans was worse after they were "free" Free to wander without a roof over their heads & a steady job is what they were!. And not even being able to take care of their families!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure I should answer this , but here goes !. If one is a white racist bigot that believes in slavery then I suppose Lincoln would not be your favorite president !. If you believe that the right of the state should supersede the rights of man then Lincoln would not be your most favorite president !. If you hate America in general then the president that made the United Stated one nation in perpetuity would not be your favorite !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a very great and easy book to read that will tell you why I dislike Lincoln, or at least all the "fame" he got just because he got assassinated!. The book is "The Politically Incorrect Guide to The South; And Why It Will Rise Again" by Clint Johnson; Regnery Publishing, Inc!. (2006)!. In it, among other things, you'll find why "KEC" has a really good answer, especially as to what Lincoln really thought about the slaves!. Obviously "KEC" didn't read the book I'm recommending to you!. And he definitely acted unconstitutionally in starting the war, so, if you really want to know, read the book I recommended!. It's only 239 pages long, with great notes in the page margins!. And it only cost me $19!.95!. It's an oversized paperback, and well worth reading!. It'll "knock your socks off"!. God Bless you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well although Lincoln did save the nation he defied the constitution!. He used powers that were not his including suspending habeas corpes which is a power of congress not the president!.
also he never picked a side when it came to slaves!. we dont know his real opinion about them because he was too "political" the only thing he did say is "i will free them if i must protect this nation"Www@QuestionHome@Com

One argument that can be made is that he was unable to abolish slavery without a war which lead to the death of more Americans that any other war!.

I still believe he was a great man, but I like to play Devil's Advocate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was WAY too tall!.
oh and he died!.
other than that seemed pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com