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Position:Home>History> Why was Marie Antoinette so unpopular?

Question: Why was Marie Antoinette so unpopular!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Her extravagence was unfairly blamed for the dire economic situation in France!. Although it was true that she spent a lot of money, personal expenditure by the royal family only accounted for a tiny sliver of state expenditure, so her extravagence really made hardly any difference to the economic situation in France!.

She was also regarded with suspicion because she was an Austrian, and it was suspected that she was working for Austrian interests against France!. It is true that she did pass secret military information to the Austrians, after war was declared in 1792, because she hoped that they could put an end to the Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despite Marie's initial success in charming the French people her popularity began to fall rapidly when her marriage to the future King was not consummated and the royal couple failed to produce an heir!. During this time, highly pornograpic pamphlets began to circulate, depicting her as leading a scandalous sex life with both men and women while ignoring her royal spouse!. None of this was true, but her reputation suffered miserably!. At the death of Louis XV, France was in terrible financial trouble!. Louis XVI decided to support the American Revolution financially, which further increased the national debt of France!. He tried to persuade the nobility to alleviate the tax burden that fell mainly on the poor, but the nobility refused to give up their tax exemptions!. Reform of the social and economic system of France was long overdue!. Marie was a kind of scapegoat, a foreigner, and a women, on whom to pin a great deal of blame that she didn't deserve!.

Just to set the record straight Marie Antoinette did NOT say "Let them eat cake!." It was said some 100 years earlier by the wife of King Louis XIV!. Marie was married to King Louis XVI!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By the way, the "let them eat cake" quote is not documented, no one knows wether she really said that or not!.

Marie Antoinette was partly a victim of cirmcumstance!. Her unpopularity had a lot to do with the social climate in France at that time!. She was seen as extravagant and excessive during a time when the common people were starving and poor, but sources say she wasn't nearly as uncaring and out of touch with the people as she has been portrayed (and not much different than other royalty in her extravagance either!.) Later in life she even tried to tone it down some, by wearing less fany clothing and having portraits painted of her in a "motherly light!." Obviously her PR didn't work, and people continued to blame their misfortune on her, they viewed her as the epitomy of aristocracy!.!.!.and!.!.!.off with her head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because she allowed the people to starve and live in poverty and endure great hardships while she lived comfortably!. have you ever heard the "let them eat cake" quote!? sounds a lot to me like the oil execs of our time, wutcha think!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because she was an aristocrat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com