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Position:Home>History> What ethnicity were the ancient egyptians?

Question: What ethnicity were the ancient egyptians!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The pre-Alexandrian Pharoahs were of their own race!. Some Pharoahs might have been Semitic during a period called the Hyksos, but the vast majority certainly were not!. The later Pharaohs, the Ptolemies, having been installed through Alexander's conquests, were all Greek or Macedonian!.

The Egyptian people themeselves, were of their own race!. Today, the vast majority of people living in Egypt are Arabs, who are semitic!.

To the poster above I am trying to dispell the common misconceptions the Egyptians were either black or white, and I am aware of the diverse multitude of races!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were Egyptian!. O!.o

They were probably a varying rainbow of a rich light tan to a beautiful dark ebony!. They may have mummified people!. They may have entombed Kings in pyramids!. O!.oWww@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot believe I just read that question!.

They were Egyptian!. Funny that, yeah!?

EDIT: Mahlon, black and white aren't the only ethnic groups!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com