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Question: Cesare borgia!?
who was cesare borgia

why was he important!?

why was his family known as 'history's first criminal family'

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He is important because the Borgia's were well known poisoners and criminals!. Cesare Borgia is the illegitimate son of Alexander Borgia who was Pope!. Lucrezia Borgia was his sister and a tool for Pope Alexander!. People who they invited to their palace for a stay sometimes never were seen again!. Alexander and Cesare used Lucrezia for political purposes by marrying her to people they sought favor with!. Then when they wanted new alliances they would kill,, kidnap, her husbands and marry her off to a new person!. I believe some of their antics were part of the history of the Catholic church and disgusted Martin Luther!. In those days the Papacy was purchased!. The person with the most cash bought it!. They were arrogant, rich, deceitful murderersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cesare Borgia, 188,000 for Cesare Borgia!. (0!.19 seconds) this is the Number of hits I got on Google

He was the iligitmate son of the reigning Pope and his farther was grooming him to be the next Pope!. I don't actually think he was all that important in the end as he was never Pope, he ended up as just a footnote in History!.

as for his family well He and his farther probably were the leaders of the first criminal family in history, Although not all the members of the family were complisit!. Lucrezia for example was thought to be the most evil woman of that era, but is now considered to be just a pawn in her farthers hands, a victim of her farther and brothers quest to keep power in there family!.

I'm quite sure that they could teach the Mafia of today a few lessons in the minuliption of there peers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cesare Borgia

(born c!. 1475/76, probably Rome — died 1507, near Viana, Spain) Italian military leader, illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI, and brother of Lucrezia Borgia!. He was made archbishop of Valencia (1492) and cardinal (1493)!. After his brother's murder (1497), he took command of the papal armies!. In 1498 he resigned his ecclesiastical offices and married the sister of the king of Navarre, a move calculated to win French support for a campaign to regain control of the Papal States!. Acting in concert with his father, Cesare won a series of military successes in the Papal States (1499 – 1503), gaining a reputation for ruthlessness and assassination; his political astuteness led Niccolò Machiavelli to cite him as an example of the new "Prince!." Cesare's gains proved fruitless, however, when his father died (1503) and the new pope, Julius II, demanded that he give up his lands!. He escaped from prison in Spain and died fighting for Navarre!.
