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Position:Home>History> Why is Aboriginal History important?

Question: Why is Aboriginal History important!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is important to recognise the indigenous people of Australia and Torres strait because they have engendered a unique contribution to Australia and its overall history!.

Like the others said , all history is important but what the indigenous Australians bring is a simple and naturalistic vision of Australia!. They lived off the land , worshiped the land and the contribution that it bought to their lives!.

White man treated aborigines in pretty much the same way that native Americans were treated in that there was a wholesale effort to destroy them!.

They realized that in Tasmania to the point that there are no Aborigines left in Tasmania!.

Aborigines contributed so much that the Australian Army used their knowledge to train soldiers in survival courses bush craft, living off the land and bush medicine!.

White Australia is just over 200 years old, we are babies on the world stage!. Australian Aboriginal Culture is over 40,000 years old !.

That is significant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ALL history is important!. Even tho it may be boring and pointless, but it teaches us to not make mistakes ppl made in the past!. The past should stay in hte past and we shouldnt have to repeat it!. The history can also help ppl with ideas for inventing somehting!. I learned that from the old show called Boy Meets World!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All history is important!. It's important to learn history because if it's not learned it will repeat itself and bite you in the butt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ALL history is important luv!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com