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Question: Napoleon exile!?
when napoleon was first defeated, he was exile but i don't why the monarchs didn't kill him!? His exile was the reason he returned again a couple years later to take over France again!. after his final defeat at waterloo, they exiled him again!. Why don't they just kill him to get him over with!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was heated debate on this subject within the English Parlaiment!. Many members acknowledged that their own nation was largely to blame for the wars by vilolating numerous treaties and trying to overturn the French Republic and thus restore the royalists to power!. To have put to death a ruler would have given implicit approval to the death of the French King which all European royalists deplored!.

The victors were in quite a quandry as to how to deal with this deposed ruler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both times Napoleon accepted exile!. The Treaty of Fontainebleau, drawn up five days after his abdication on April 6th, 1814 (first imprisonment on Elba), granted Napoleon the 'the free possession and the peaceable enjoyment in full sovereignty of the island of Elba, and of the Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla', generous pensions for himself and his family and the right to retain his rank and imperial title!. this first time the English wanted to avoid a dictatorial approach with France, and were hoping that the French people would restore the Bourbon dynasty rather than have it thrust on them by the Allies!. They also wanted to avoid an uprising by Napoleons adherents!.
It was the same with Treaty of Paris 1815 which exiled Napoleon to St!. Helena!. They feared repercussions!. though this time Napoleon did not retain his ranks, nor were any provisions made for his family!. The treaty fostered "restoring between France and her neighbors those relations of reciprocal confidence and good will "!.!.!.in other words, France, still a powerful nation with an army that was still vital had to be handled carefully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Napoleon was the emperor of France!. The whole thing started with the revolution and eventual execution of Louis XVI, it wouldn't do to go an execute the emperor!. In his first exile in fact Napoleon was named emperor of Elba!.

The goal after the war was to maintain the status quo and strengthen the monarchies, to have killed Napoleon would have overly complicated matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cmdr_Sinclair is right!. To have killed Napoleon, the Coalition would have legitimized regicide, the very act that they viewed as so dangerous and repugnant as to touch off the French revolutionary wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com